SEO requirements constantly change, making it difficult to keep abreast of the latest developments. It is essential to stay on top of Google ranking changes if your Google rankings are to rise from the bottom to first.
Sites with SEO get more traffic over time. This leads to more sales. Search engines won’t find you site without SEO. Your hard work will be in vain.
This guide will help you understand what SEO is and the important SEO ranking factors you should use to dominate search engine results.
This article will help you create a well-optimized website that brings in more customers.
A Special Bonus: Download our SEO Rankings Cheat Sheet to speed up your search engine ranking.
This table of contents is useful if you want to skip to the important factors in SEO ranking.
What are the Most Important SEO Ranking Criteria?
- A Secure and Accessible Web Site
- Page Speed (Including Mobile Page Speed)
- Mobile Friendliness
- Domain Age, URL, & Authority
- Optimized Content
- Technical SEO
- User Experience (RankBrain
- These are some links
- Social Signals
- Real Business Information
The end of this article will provide the answer to the burning question that plagues beginner SEO professionals: Is it pleasing Google or my audience more important?
Before we get into detail about each ranking factor of search engines, let’s review how search engine ranks work.
Understanding SEO or How Do I Rank Higher in Google?
Many people wonder what the Google rankings are. Before we go into the details about search engine ranking factors, let me answer some common questions regarding SEO.
What Does “Ranking” Mean in SEO?
SEO stands to search engine optimization. This basically means that the pages will be more likely than others to appear in a search engine’s results. But let’s face facts, SEO is not about Google.
How does this work? Let’s get it down.
Ranking in SEO is the order of your content’s appearance on the search engine result pages. A #1 ranking means that your web page is the top result for people searching for a particular keyword.
Being in the top three results is great because click-throughs skyrocket. Research from Safari SEO Brisbane shows that the #1 position in Google is responsible for more than 45% percent of all organic clicks. Backlinko shows you that the closer you are to #1 the more clicks can be expected.
Being on the first page or in the top 10 results is also helpful. This is because 95% don’t get past the first pages.
Google SEO’s famous joke is: Where’s best to hide a dead corpse?
What’s Google Looking for in SEO
Google’s purpose is to provide relevant search results. Here’s what they do:
Google’s searchbots, pieces of automated software known “spiders”, crawl the internet. We are aware that this sounds very creepy. It’s just that they visit websites.
Second, they add correctly optimised and crawlable web pages to Google’s Index and Catalog.
Third, Google presents the most relevant results from a search for a keyword (out the trillions of pages it has in its index).
Google uses complex algorithms to decide which content is displayed and when. But we’ll get into the fun stuff later.
If your page ranks in the SERPs, it is important to use your page titles, meta descriptions, and URLs to encourage searchers to visit sites. submitting a guest posting technology will help you rank your keyword with Google.
Google Search Rankings: How Do They Work?
When someone is trying to find information, they either type or speak words that relate to what they are looking for. These are keywords. We’ll discuss them in the content optimization portion of this guide.
Google’s website ranking is more than just optimizing competitive keywords. It’s also about information quality.
Google’s own search ratings show that Google inspects several factors before indexing any page’s main contents.
- Purpose of the Page
- Content quality and quantity
- Website info and information about the content writer
- Reputation as a website and as a content writer
- User interaction with the webpage (time spent on the page, bounces rates, etc.
- Expertise, authority, trustworthiness (EA/T)
We’re going to take a look at the last one (EA–T), as it has become extremely important.
It’s enough for now to know that Google’s algorithm considers all factors and helps to determine SEO ranking.
Google gives searchers the most relevant, high quality results that are related to their search queries based upon the rating guidelines. Google’s search engine ranking factors will display the most relevant results, first. Next, Google will display the remaining pages.